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About Us

Since 2007, John A. Griffey has been providing an industry leading Assessment Program specifically designed to protect houses of worship. He's been a security security professional since 1983. With, John has designed several House of Worship Security/Vulnerability Assessment programs to help improve security. He started his security career back in 1983 while in the U.S. Marine Corps protecting Embassy personnel and property as a Marine Security Guard assigned to the US Embassy in Quito, Ecuador and then in Bogotá, Colombia. 


John has managed and lead security operations for U.S. Diplomatic Missions with focus on improved compliance throughout the world. Seeing the end in mind, he has developed specialized security, training and operational support programs to lead the "key management community" in several countries around the world to successfully run high profile security programs for diplomatic and industrial sites. 


John is currently a senior executive in the world's largest publicly traded global security company and is board certified in security management as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) through The American Society for Industrial Security International (ASIS).


There is great need to help Houses of Worship improve their security. Security improvements must be executed  through an effective, systematic approach, following the best practices in the security industry. Using the Apps developed by SurveyEssentials will help you improve your security posture. We are inspired by reading the following references and highly recommend them as "must reads" for any House of Worship security member:


  • Chester L. Quarles, CPP and Paula L. Ratliff, Crime Prevention for Houses of Worship (American Society for Industrial Security, 2001) 

  • Paula L. Ratliff, Crime Prevention for Houses of Worship, Second Edition (American Society for Industrial Security, 2015)

  • Paul E. Engle, Series Editor, Robert H. Welch, Serving By Safeguarding Your Church, (Zondervan, 2002)

  • Philip P. Purpura, CPP, Securing Houses of Worship, A Community Service for ASIS Chapters (American Society for Industrial Security, 1999)

  • ASIS INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES COMMISSION, General Security Risk Assessment Guideline (American Society for Industrial Security 2003)

  • RECOMMENDED BEST PRACTICES FOR SECURING HOUSES OF WORSHIP AROUND THE WORLD for people of all faiths ASIS Houses of Worship Committee: Jim McGuffey, MA, CPP, PSP, PCI; Paula L. Ratliff, BSC, MS; Doug Meacham, CRM; Phil Purpura, CPP; Dick Raisler; Carl Chinn; Alistair Calton

  • Protection Of Assets Manual by ASIS International

  • Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) by ASIS International


John holds a bachelor's degree in Business Management with a minor as a Programmer/Analyst and has been an active church member for the past 30+ years where he has participated as a Security Team Member, Group Leader, Head Usher, Security Coordinator, Choir Member, Greeter, Men's Group Member and Volunteer for Special Events.

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